Knowledge Base

In case, if I lost access to my registered email address, can you send invoices to other email address?

No, we do not send any communication to any email address other than registered on our billing system.


If you have lost the access of your registered email address, you can change the contact details by accessing your billing client area using

If you do not have acesss to billing area our administrative department will ask you to provide certain documents like your social security number, copy of your unexpired passport, or a copy of your current driving license. This is done in order to prevent any unauthorized access to your account with us. Upon verification of these documents, our administrative department may call you on your land line number and verify the details provided. They may also cross verify the data with the government database and confirm the authenticity of the information. After that they will advise the technical and/or billing department to grant you access or not. In either case, the decision of our administrative and legal department will be final.

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